Common Garden Pests

Aphids can inject viruses and toxins into the plant as well as deposit a sticky substance called honeydew which can grow harmful fungus. Neem oil works pretty good to get rid of them.
Squash Bugs
These bugs can feed on the leaves and fruits of squash, pumpkins, and other cucurbits, causing wilting and damage. They look very similar to stink bugs. Triple Action will handle this problem pest.
Tomato Hornworm

These large green caterpillars can quickly strip tomato plants of their leaves, leaving behind only the stems and eating holes in tomatoes. Spinosad is my preferred solution when birds aren’t cutting it.
Japanese Beetles

These hard to kill bugs must be dealt with as soon as they appear. Offering them a sacrificial plant, netting, and smashing them by hand is the best way to deal with these invaders.
Corn Earworms

Also known as the Tomato fruitworm. These things are annoying. At first sign of trouble, I’ll spray just the fruit with Spinosad. Works every time.
Dill Worms
Are these a pest? Well they do like to eat dill and parsley but they also turn into those beautiful black and blue butterflies that pollinate and add beauty. I suggest planting plenty of dill and watching them grow. Within reason.